It is an evergreen, or semi-deciduous tree with a dense and oval crown. It can grow up to a height of 10-35m. Branches are thick and marked with small whitish lenticels.
LEAVES: Leaves are compound, with about 7-17 leaflets which are oval and have entire margins.
FLOWERS: Flowers are arranged in dense clusters at the tips of the branches on stalks. The petals are orange-red in color, and tulip-shaped.
1. It is an ornamental tree, it is planted for soil conservation, and in reforestation schemes.
2. It is a medicinal plant used to treat epilepsy and convulsion, kidney disease, urethritis, and as an antidote for animal poisons.
3. Decoctions of the plant stem are used to treat eczemas, fungal skin disease, herpes, stomach ache and diarrhoea.
Locations (Institutions)
Federal College of Agriculture, Akure, Nigeria (FECA)