It is a large palm growing up to 30m tall. On a fertile soil, a tall coconut palm tree can yield up to 75 fruits per year. Coconut palms produce their first fruit in 6-10 years, taking 15 to 20 years to reach peak production.
FRUIT: The coconut fruit is a drupe with three layers: exocarp, mesocarp and endocarp. The exocarp is the glossy outer skin, usually yellow-green to yellow-brown in color. The mesocarp is composed of a fiber while the endocarp makes up the hard coconut shell. The endocarp is initially filled with a multinucleate liquid endosperm (coconut water), they eventually form the edible solid endosperm which hardens overtime.
LEAVES: They are up to 7m long, pinnately divided, and are composed of 200-250 tapering leaflets.
ROOT: It has a fibrous root system.
FLOWERS: It produces both the male and female flowers on the same inflorescence.
1. The husk fiber from the pith is used as a raw material for carpets, car seat stuffing, and in agriculture as fertilizers, the hard core is used to make handcrafts.
2. The stalk and leaves are useful in construction, and sugar, vinegar, and alcohol can be extracted from the inflorescence.
3. Both the green coconut water and solid albumen fruits are used industrially and in home cooking.
4. Coconut oil is used to prevent hair loss and coconut water is used to treat renal disease. 5. Coconut milk is used to treat diarrhea and an oral contraceptive, the husk fiber extract is also used as an antipyretic, to reduce renal inflammation and to treat oral asthma.
6. Coconut inflorescence are used for the oral treatment of menstrual cycle disorders.
7. Coconut oil is widely used in cooking, making margarines, shortening, filled milk, ice cream, confectionaries etc. and also used in making soaps, detergents, cosmetics,candles and pharmaceuticals.
8. The leaves are interwoven and used as a roofing or thatching material for walls of huts and can be woven into mats, baskets.
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