Tree Species Information

Albizia zygia leaves
Albizia zygia flower
Albizia zygia Tree


Species Name
Albizia zygia
Local Name
Akoro, Pangban (Ashanti)


It is a deciduous tree 9-30 m tall with a spreading crown, it has a tall and clear bole, 240 cm in diameter, with smooth and grey bark. It grows well in loamy or clayey soil. It is rarely found in closed canopy forests. They are Common in lowland coastal rain-forests, riverine forest and in woodland. This tree is indigenous to tropical Africa and has a wide distribution.

LEAVES: Leaves are pinnately compound; leaflets are obovate in shape with the terminal pairs usually the largest.

FLOWERS: Flowers are white to reddish in colour.

FRUITS: Fruits are papery and brownish black pods. Seeds are produced when plant reaches maturity and are usually darkish brown in colour.


1. Due to its fairly deep rooting system, it has great potential to protect vulnerable soils thereby controlling erosion.

2. The tree is also capable of symbiotic nitrogen fixation, and it provides mulch leaf litter and improves the pH in acidic soils.

3. Can serve as an ornamental tree for recreation sites.

4. Though termite vulnerable, the wood can be used for temporary structures or fencing.

5. It provides shade, shelter and serves as windbreaks.

Locations (Institutions)

Federal University of Technology, Akure, Nigeria (FUTA)